Hen Parties

at Loughcrew

Hen Parties at Loughcrew

full of history, spirituality and beauty. 

We offer several options to host your event with a range of decor, themes and locations to choose from. This intimate setting provides the perfect backdrop for a truly unforgettable weekend surrounded by those closest and dearest to you.

The estate is surrounded by exceptional rolling courtryside beauty where you can dive right into the tranquility and peace on offer. Feel free to make use of the gardens surrounding the main house for some proviate glamping, games or just to enjoy the nature and to relax during this special weekend.


Lime Tree Avenue

be close to nature.

Loughcrew is the perfect location in which to have your wedding ceremony in Ireland. The stunning lime tree avenue within the grounds leads to St Oliver Plunkett’s church and is a potential location in which you could tie the knot.

Imagine yourself walking over a stone bridge and along an aisle under lime tree boughs, before getting married with their gorgeous scent lingering in the air.

We can arrange the ceremony space to make it personal to you and we will ensure your guests are comfortable as you say your vows.

David McClelland Photography
Livia Figueiredo Photography

The Palm House

designed by the famous architect Charles Cockerell. 

The palm house has a soaring ceiling and an intricate, wrought iron and glass roof designed by the famous architect Charles Cockerell. The walls are still adorned with original plaster work and luscious green plants have been left to grow wilfully in pots inside. Both these features are a nod towards this buildings past and is a wonderful place for your ceremony. We recommend you dot lit candles around the room to help enhance the natural, calm ambience you’ll find in here.

In addition, there is a balcony within the room where a violinist or singer can perform as you and your guests enter and leave. This will create a magical atmosphere before and after the ceremony.

The palm house is a perfect space in which to have an intimate ceremony. We also recommend it as a newlyweds breakfast or afternoon tea spot.

Plunkett’s Bar and The Banqueting Rooms

once home to the liveried horses and carriages.

Plunkett’s bar and the banqueting rooms can also be turned into ceremony locations. These rooms were originally the stables and have been beautifully re-purposed. Floral motifs adorn the walls within the bar and a wooden ceiling has been installed. Within the banqueting rooms, a simple, rustic charm has been created by painting the brickwork, and by keeping the original beams and impressive dividing wooden doors.

If you were planning on having your ceremony outside but the weather is not in your favour on the big day, both rooms will make equally as impressive back up options.

“When we started looking at venues for our wedding we had a clear idea of what we wanted; a personal bespoke wedding… The house itself felt like a home away from home. We had exclusive use with our immediate families staying with us all weekend. The vast grounds with the idyllic scenery was picture perfect and was only made better by the beautiful romantic St. Oliver Plunkett’s church which we got married in. We cannot recommend this venue enough if you want a personal, relaxed and alternative wedding.”